LED are electronics components that can emit monochromatic light when given a forward voltage. LED are a family of diodes made of semiconductor materials. The colors of the Light emitted by the LED depends on the type of semiconductor material used. LED can also emit infrared light as we often see on Remote Control TVs or other Remote Control devices.
Function of LED:
LED technology has many advantages such as non-heat, durable, non-hazardous materials such as mercury, and its low-cost electricity and its shape are increasingly popular in the field of lighting technology. Many products that require light have adopted this Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. Here are some of the applications of LEDs in everyday life.
- Home Lighting
- Street Lighting
- Advertising
- LCD Backlight (TV, Display Handphone, Monitor)
- Interior and Exterior Decorative Lights
- Indicator Lights
- Red Infrared Transmitter on Remote Control (TV, AC, AV Player)
For more information about LED Rental Malaysia, please visit https://www.sundigitalevents.my/